Monday, April 16, 2007

What is Global Warming

Global Warming is gradual increase the temprature of earth's surface around the world. there are several facters that cause the rise in temprature one of these factors is Green house effect which trap the energy in the atmospher. The gases that released from industries and cars are another reason for the global warming.


Khuzaima AL-Hashimi said...

Hi Emad,

What will be the solutions to reduce the greenhouse gases?!

al3feefi said...

I don't think there are any solution for greenhouse gases, because some of the causes are natural like water vapour.

Waddah Al Tamimi said...

I believe there are some solutions to at least reduce the Greenhouses effect if not stop it. like stop consumption so much fuel. there are also some other ways like using clean energy and stop deforestation.

al3feefi said...

You are right there some solutions about it because the main cause for global warming is CO2 and it has a lot of factors. I am going to mention 1 solution and that is by planting trees because trees absorb CO2.