Monday, May 14, 2007

Effectes of Global Warming

As I wrote about the causes of Global Warming i am going now to write its effect. There can be many effects for Global Warming. One of these effects is the expansion of the range of tropical diseases. Another effect is that global warming is responsible in part of the natural disasters like extreme weather and the change of climate. The increase of the evaporation, because the global dimming is reducing that will lead to the rise in evaporation which will cause heavier rain, and erosion. The last effect of the global warming is drought the amount of water vapor in the sky increased.


Ahmed said...

Hi Emad,,

Which effect do you think will face it most Arab countries..?

al3feefi said...

I think CO2, because it can rlease by different factors like cars, factories and building.

Yaqoub said...

Do you agree that every one of us is responsible to keep our natural environment save and clean and we should have a good awareness about the global warming impact?

al3feefi said...

of course everyone live in this world you should take care of it like you take care of yourself