Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Global Warming and UAE

Global Warming might have a devestat effect in UAE unless something is done to reduce global warming or at least reduce it. According to Dr Declan Conway in 2100 the Gulf region temprature might rise 5 degrees Celsius. Greenhouse gases from fossil fuels burned by cars, factories and power plants are the biggest causes of global warming

What I have learned

In this project i have learned how to make a blog and I know better about global warming deeper about the causes and effects through my reseach. Also i was able to judg and make comments to friends' blogs and how to replie to their comments. This blog will help me to present my work in more profissional way to br more creative and how to arrange the ideas.

Video link about global warming

Melting Glacier

Now i am going to write about one of the main effects of the global warming and that is melting glacier in the polar areas. Because of the increase in temprature it effected the glacier that start to melt which mean it will lead the sea level to rise. When the sea level increase it can cause a disaster like flood that strik some towns and destroy it. Human are not the only ones that will suffer from melting of glacier also the animals that live in these cold areas they will be affected from the increase in temprature or they could die from it.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Effectes of Global Warming

As I wrote about the causes of Global Warming i am going now to write its effect. There can be many effects for Global Warming. One of these effects is the expansion of the range of tropical diseases. Another effect is that global warming is responsible in part of the natural disasters like extreme weather and the change of climate. The increase of the evaporation, because the global dimming is reducing that will lead to the rise in evaporation which will cause heavier rain, and erosion. The last effect of the global warming is drought the amount of water vapor in the sky increased.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the main causes for the Global warming. Carbon dioxide is acting as a blanket which coves the atmosphere and traps the heat in it. There are many factors for carbon dioxide and one of these factors is the gases that emitted from the factories by coal. Another factor is by burning fossil fuel from power plants in order to generate electricity. Also by cutting the trees carbon dioxide released in the air. Carbon dioxide emissions come from cars, planes or other transportation methods and people nowadays using them a lot.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Causes for the Global Warming

There are several causes for Global Warming there can be natural or caused by human I am going to mention some of them. One of these causes is Green house which it trap the energy in the atmosphere. There is also another cause that can trap the heat in the air and it's more than 20 times as effect as CO2 and that is Methane. The source for methane can be coming from rice, the rice is growing in the flooded fields. When the fields are flooded anaerobic conditions develop and the organic matter in the soil decomposes, releasing methane to the atmosphere